Sunday, August 9, 2015

SBPT15 Stop #6 - Jaclyn from Living In A World Of Book Quotes

The 2015 Summer Blogger Promo Tour is hosted by Amber and Jessica at The Book Bratz, and it's a fun tour where book bloggers collaborate with other book bloggers, become besties, and introduce one another on each of our blogs. The added benefit is if you've gotten bored of me, you get to meet some awesome people you may not have been introduced to before!

This week you're meeting:

Jaclyn from Living In A World Of Book Quotes

Jaclyn is another very cool book blogger I met through the summer blogger promo tour program. Everyone loves quotes to a certain extent, but I can guarantee that Jaclyn loves them more, because she runs an entire blog dedicated not only to books, but their quotes. Not only does she write book reviews, but she shares her favorite quotes from those books which makes her blog a bit unique. And then of course there are her interesting post topics and awesome voice, but you probably already guessed that ;)

Now that I've gotten to know her a little, what intrigues me most about her is still her love of quotes. I've always wished I was one of those people who could quote things from books and movies, but my memory simply isn't that good. Since Jaclyn's on the blog today, I figured I'd take the opportunity to ask her about her quote love. Curious, I asked her when she first realized she wanted to start sharing her favorite quotes with other people, and then what her all-time favorite book quotes are and why they appeal to her. She answered.

Thanks for asking this! It actually all started with my love for music. Ever since I began listening/getting really into music, I always pick songs that bring about some type of feeling or lyrics that I can relate to. Before I started my blog, I would take pictures of quotes that I fell in love with in a book. Then from there, I decided to review books but continue to share my favorite quotes. I feel as though I didn't NEED to explain why I liked these quotes. The quote in and of itself is enough because they evoke some emotional response. I feel as though quotes are important because there are so many unique and beautiful ways to say something. Somehow my love of quotes has, in a way, helped me to become a better book blogger because there's a deeper understanding of the book I am reading. 


Here are my favorite book quotes:

1. "We all follow different paths," she enlightened him. "Sometimes they cross, and those points of intersection create moments. Each moment is a part of a bigger picture." - Ninety Degrees by Megan Duke

I think that this quote is interesting because we can meet and come across so many people throughout our lifetime and we may not realize their impact on our lives. We should always appreciate the small moments in our life because these small moments make up our entire life.

2. “The amount of emotions one can feel and the variety of thoughts one can imagine are endless.” - Small Circles by Megan Duke

It is very hard to explain why I like this quote. I think that sometimes we may not realize what we are capable of feeling or how deep our feelings may go. There are so many things that can impact how we feel, both negatively and positively. 

3. “The silence between us was never awkward; neither of us felt the need to fill the nonverbal space with mindless chatter. Instead, it was comfortable, even enjoyable.” Exiled: Kenly’s Story by Sophie Davis

I for one, have NEVER been a fan of small talk. I personally think that if you have something meaningful to say, cool, talk away. But I have never understood the need to just talk and talk just for the sake of talking and filling the silence. I think that its okay to not have to talk allllll the time. If you don't talk, you start to observe and listen to your surroundings more. Of course having conversations are important, but times of tranquility and silence are just as important.

4. "My eyes might be closed, but in my heart they are wide open staring splendor and happiness square in the face." - Without Me by Megan Duke

I absolutely looveeee this quote. This quote shows how deeply the character feels for the other person. It takes more than just seeing someone in your life. Its more than that.

5. "I feel like, like, how matter is defined by the things that matter to you. You matter as much as the things that matter to you do. And I got it backwards, trying to make myself matter to him. All this time, there were real things to care about: real, good people who care about me, and this place. It's so easy to get stuck. You just get caught in being something, being special or cool or whatever, to the point where you don't even know why you need it: you just think you do." - An Abundance of Katherines by John Green

I like this quote because we think that material things are what is important in our life, however, it is the people that we meet, or rather the good people that we meet are what matters and makes life important and meaningful. 

6. “Need is never a good basis for any relationship. It has to be much more than that.” - Will Grayson, Will Grayson by David Levithan

I find it interesting to distinguish the want to be in a relationship or the need to be in a relationship. The need in a relationship is when you can't survive without the other person, whereas, wanting someone in your life means that you'll be okay without the other person but you would rather have them be in your life. I have actually said this to someone. I told them I don't need you in my life, but I want you in my life. This can be said for someone you're in a relationship with or even a friendship with. I may feel this way based on personal experience and it may change, but I think people should realize you will be okay if that other person is not with you.

If you'd like to get to know more about Jaclyn and her love of quotes, you can reach her through the following:
Living In A World Of Book Quotes | Twitter | Email

The third to last stop takes place here at Time Turning Reads, next Sunday at ten. Our featured blogger will be sharing her favorite book, plus her dream cast for it. Exciting, right?